Berek blinked from the weak, wet, slap. He looked like a dog that had just heard a strange noise, more surprised and curious than anything. "Sorry," he said. Her words seemed to catch up to him, and not for the first time he wondered who she was. That was an upper class accent if he'd ever heard one. For a moment he thought one of the greedy lords had thrown out one of their mistresses on the street, but he suppose he'd find out later. "Easy now," he told her when she yelped in pain. He moved one of his hands to lift her up a tad to help her sit up. He felt like he was trying to help a bird with a broken wing. "I'll give you what medicine I have, but I drew a hot bath and supper will be ready soon. I...don't have women's clothes here. But I've plenty of shirts and trousers. Just make yourself at home, ok?" He said to her. In the other room, Ferona would hear a 'boof!'