Her arm on that side instinctively clutched his as he supported her. Her mouth fell open slightly as she breathed through the stabbing pain. Where her ribs broken?! She laid her other hand over them, as if that could protect them. What was she going to do?! And just like that he offerred to help her. She was surprised and her face displayed it clearly. Green eyes met caramel and there was a moment of tender appreciation she didn't know she was even capable of feeling... And then it all shut down as she wondered WHY he would help her. Out of the goodness of his heart? Not likely. His voice and accent were not bad. She'd been treated to a lot of funny sounding people lately. He'd never mingled with the upper crust but he wasn't just some serf either. But she dreaded to see what clothing he had to offer. She looked him over. It may look good enough on him, that white shirt contrasting his skin tone, but what business did she have wearing any such thing? Her nose wrinkled in the most condescending expression of distaste he had probably ever seen. "Why... Thank you," she started to say but in a very prim and dry way. But her face relaxed with interest at the bark and her head turned. "Oh, there's a dog?"