As Captain Wilson was working on his paperwork, his 1st lieutenant [b] Freeman [/b]came into the cabin. "Sir a gig is coming along side" The Captain stood up with a sigh, and as he looked up he saw that the sun was setting. Had it really been half a day since he had been piped aboard? He climbed on deck, and took in the sight of [i] his [/i] command. It looked different in the evening sun, calmer almost. He went to the port side and looked down, as the lieutenant had said there was a small boat pulling in. As he looked closer he saw a man not pulling at the oars, and realized that his uniform is that of a Captain. When this man got on board he watched as the marines went to attention... rather clumsily And that the pipes were off pitch. But the intention was clear. "I have orders for the HMS Leer" the man said to no one in particular, as he was looking longingly around the ship. In his hand was a sealed envelope. [@pandapolio] [@outdoorsguy] [@arca10tales]