[Hider=Nightcrawler] [Center][H2][I]N I G H T C R A W L E R[/I][/H2] [IMG]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/VpaXt2jGUfOMq37IJNGFUU7PL8E=/800x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3646088/Screen_Shot_2015-04-27_at_11.25.00_AM.0.png[/IMG] [H3][sub][sub]B L O O D T Y P E B ◼ K U R T W A G N E R ◼ O C T O B E R 1 2 1 9 9 6[/sub][/sub][/H3][/Center] [table=bordered][Row][Cell][h3]Appearance[/h3][/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][b]Height[/b][/Cell][Cell]5'8"[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][b]Weight[/b][/Cell][Cell]169 Lbs[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][b]Ethnicity[/b][/Cell][Cell] German[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][b]Complection[/b][/Cell][Cell] Blue[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][b]Eye Color[/b][/Cell][Cell]Yellow[/Cell][/Row][/Table] [table=bordered] [Row][Cell][h3]Stat Block[/h3][/Cell][/Row][Row][Cell][b]STR[/b][/Cell][Cell]12[/Cell][Cell]+1[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][b]SPD[/b][/Cell][Cell]15[/Cell][Cell]+2[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][b]DEX[/b][/Cell][Cell]16[/Cell][Cell]+3[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][b]WIS[/b][/Cell][Cell]9[/Cell][Cell]-1[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][b]INT[/b][/Cell][Cell]11[/Cell][Cell]+-0[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][b]CHA[/b][/Cell][Cell]10[/Cell][Cell]+-0[/Cell][/Row][/Table] [Table=bordered][Row][Cell][h3]Effects of Mutation[/h3][/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][b]Aesthetics[/b][/Cell][Cell]It isn't a challenge to tell, even at first glance, that Kurt is not a homo sapien. In fact, his skin is just shy of being completely drowned out by his dense, short blue fur. He has a navy blue skin tone and a pair of bright yellow eyes. His canines are terrifying, sharp and and white like the moon. That's not actually part of his mutation, they're just intimidating.[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][B]Camouflage[/B][/Cell][Cell]Kurt can shroud himself in total darkness whenever he wants, but because a humanoid cloud of nothing isn't particularly inconspicuous, it can be used to maximum effect when he is already concealed in a shadow. It comes from tensing his body as though he is about to teleport, it causes the vacuum he travels through to open and swallow the light.[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][b]Tail[/b][/Cell][Cell]He has a prehensile tail that bears a striking resemblance to that of certain classical depictions of demons. It possesses a hefty, pointy growth on the end that can be used like an underdeveloped scorpion.[/Cell][/Row] [Cell][B]Teleportation[/B][/Cell][Cell]You can be talking to Kurt one moment and be having a perfectly smooth conversation, but the moment his mind slips away -- [B][I][Sup]B[/Sup][Sub]A[/Sub][Sup]M[/Sup][Sub]F[/Sub][Sup]![/Sup][/I][/B] -- it's gone. So is the rest of his body, in case you're wondering. He can typically only teleport over to a place within his line of sight, if he is expected to do so with any degree of precision. When he travels, he uses a vacuum as a shortcut, that is the reason why a black cloud appears around him. The light simply cannot escape from the vacuum that Kurt uses.[/Cell][/Table] [table=bordered][Row][Cell][h3]Backstory[/h3][/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][b]Upbringing[/b][/Cell][Cell]Kurt was raised by his father in a remote town miles from the legendary Black Forest. As a young boy, he was rowdy and bombastic. Naturally, he would challenge his neighbor boys to duels with sticks as they'd yearn for a taste of real adventure. Unless he was playing Final Fantasy or Dungeons and Dragons. He was rather content in those times.[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][B]Mutant Powers[/B][/Cell][Cell] One day Kurt's smooth and untarnished body was intruded upon by a long and curly -- pubic hair. But it didn't stop there. He felt freakish as the hair continued to spread, growing like cancer across his entire being. As his skin's vibrance have way to a dull blue, he was certain that death was near. His loving father too him to a hospital, for the first time in his life. As for Kurt's condition, he seemed to generate a tail in a matter of moments. Naturally, the hospital notified higher medical authorities, who called their higher authorities in turn, and so on until he wound up in the custody of SHIELD. He tried to run away, but was quickly sedated. Upon awakening, he found himself restrained. He struggled while need in labcoats observed, but while wrestling against his bonds, he threw his chest forward before exploding into being on the other side of the room. At this time, the young man had to contend with a serious of astonishingly precise shots from an archer before navigating his way out of the facility, one BAMF at a time. Once he was outside, under the cover of night, he was rendered simply invisible. He had escaped from SHIELD that night. Whilst imprisoned he'd heard chatter from the labcoated men that he was likely a mutant. He had no idea what to do with that information. So he went home to pretend nothing had happened. His father never came home.[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][B]Nightcrawler vs Things That Go Bump In The Night[/B][/Cell][Cell]Kurt left home that day, the townspeople would reject him, he was sure of it. Whenever he'd allowed himself to be seen on public, he was decried as an enemy of God. So he decided that he would disappear into the Black Forest, where he would battle against bears and wolves all the typical fauna to get a decent meal. That is, until he met the BAMFs. BAMFs, tiny little creatures who look like caricatures of Kurt. The rowdy little things decided that he was their father. No matter how Kurt tried to contest that notion, they came back around to believing. They're really big on maintaining faith. Now the reason that they decided they needed to have faith in Kurt, or Nightcrawler as they'd come to calling him, was that they needed him to save them from a pack of trolls that had been a thorn in their side for far too long. So Kurt followed after them, not one to leave the helpless in danger. It turns out that the BAMFs were the target of harrassment from one particular clan of trolls who live under a bridge. While the trolls initially attempted to murder Kurt so that they could eat his flesh, they were simply incapable of keeping up. So instead they challenged him to a sword duel upon nightfall. Kurt agreed, reasoning that if he were to fall he'd probably be sent to some sort of pleasant afterlife. Not the case at all, Kurt was given the advantage based on the fact that he kept subconsciously tensing himself and masking both his blade and body in deep shadow, which allowed him to disgrace the troll and convince them all that it was a bad idea to harass the BAMFs. The BAMFs swore that they would never forget him. No, they really wouldn't.[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][B]Don't Mess With The X-Men[/B][/Cell][Cell]Kurt had taken off, leaving the forest in favor of Stockholm, where he lived in the shadows as a swashbuckler spoken of only by alcoholics and religious fanatics. Now, it was at this time in his life that he was first contacted by Professor Xavier and the roots of his X-Men. They asked him to go on a quest to foil a plot by a brotherhood of evil mutants and avert a nuclear Holo. He did. Having saved the world, they expressly broke up before Kurt returned to Germany, seeking further adventure, but mostly finding disappointment.[/Cell][/Row] [Row][Cell][B]X-Men Once Again[/B][/Cell][Cell]Here. We. Go.[/Cell][/Row] [/Table][/Hider]