[center] [h3][color=lightblue] Dia - Where... Where Did He Go? [/Color][/h3] [@Kalleth][@Zelosse][/center] [hr] Dia all but skipped back to Felix's room, in a better mood in general than she'd been in for ages. Not counting last night, of course. And it was with shock that she found no response to her knock, with nobody inside even. Her container of eggs hit the floor, somehow staying intact even if she was pretty sure the yokes had broken. She hastily picked up the container, dropping it on the table as she looked through the dorm with ever growing anxiety. [I][color=lightblue] Why did he leave? Did... Did he realize I'm not special and that he doesn't like me? Did he decide I wasn't worth the effort? Why...[/color] [/I] She shook her head, trying not to cry, when a thought struck her. He'd mentioned fighting a teacher. So, maybe that's what happened. So maybe it happened fast and he left angry. But then... Where would they be? She didn't know what teacher he'd picked a fight with, but it made sense that the arena was limited in options. She couldn't imagine the teacher would do it in a public space, why would they allow other students see them fighting a student? It didn't make sense. Unfortunately, Dia really didn't know the grounds very well, having barely seen any of the school so far. But what about the gymnasium, where they'd held the assembly? Or, at least, that's where she thought they'd been. With no classes until afternoon, it would reasonably be empty. But she could just go to the Headmaster. She was certain he'd know what to do. But would that get Felix and the teacher in trouble? Assuming that's why he was gone... No, she decided. She couldn't risk it. Not unless she couldn't find them. And she'd be lucky if she could make it to the only place she could think of in any decent time. She barely remembered how they'd gone from there to the dorms, having been too focused on avoiding attention. Shutting the door behind her, Dia set off at a brisk pace. No point in breaking an ankle, right? Right?