[@Ruby] Fair enough - but the original point stands. I didn't intend to accuse of nepotism - that's what Kangaroo turned it into and in my mind you and perhaps his reappointment were the only two cases where I [i]thought[/i] previous friendships had to do with it in part. Regardless, the original point was that elections are dumb because of nepotism, random drawings are dumb because you can't ensure quality, and whimsically nominating random people by the mods is dumb because you are missing out on candidates that would do [i]really[/i] good but who have been demotivated by occurrences or just.. are not very visible or known. An improvement can be made here and - god forbid me saying it - we might just have to look to Iwaku to see what they're doing because this is the one thing where I'd learn from them. [quote=@Kangaroo] Yes I completely agree that quality is subject to a lack of objectivity, but my initial point remains is that who has ever registered me as a bad mod who should never return. As far as I am aware, it's no-one. Ergo an argument that my reappointment as a mod as being a sign of nepotism is most likely null and void and symbolistic of a failing of the system. If it's the second, please go ahead and tell me what I'm doing wrong, I welcome constructive criticism; the main criticismIi've received thus far was that I was too lenient. [/quote] I.. no, I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong, I was raising the point that after you got reappointed you were still not as active as some as the others. You were inactive for 3 days when I wrote it, so I presumed you were just busy. It was never about good or bad mod. If you want constructive criticism then I'd say log in more often? Just because you're on discord doesn't mean there aren't users who might PM you because they don't know you're not on RPG as much. It's not that much effort to log in daily once, right, so I don't see the harm there. [quote=@Kangaroo]Who would you consider as bad mods considering I can only think of one nomination that I personally made in the past who hasn't made mod. The rest hasn't been direct naming as far as I am aware, so you're either accusing a mod directly or making speculative judgements. As for the consideration process, it is mostly based off the opinion of the current staff. To make something public that was previously private, I nominated Nutts as my successor because I believed he was right for the role and I stand by that nomination. [/quote] Again, not really my point. I'll state it clearly so it cannot be misunderstood or misread; If you do not have a process for moderatorship that includes some form of application, you are potentially missing out on moderator candidates that are perfect, because you are not allowing them to partake. By nominating people you are limiting yourself to people you know. By having one staff member i.e. Hank determine potential candidates and making a choice you're limiting yourself even further. It's not about the current mod selection in this case, it's about the process of getting there. Like I said to Ruby, look at Iwaku - they have a process where you can apply with relevant information and then the staff decides who is good enough. [quote=@Kangaroo]I believe the main part of this is asking why I wasn't present on forums? as I said, I would be active on discord when needed but may have periods where I fall back to relying on push notifications. [/quote] No, I'm saying if you'd informed people about your inactivity, that would've been better because I would've understood your situation instead of having to make assumptions.