[quote=@catchamber] I never said that it's okay for moderators to not respond to reports. Let me repost our exchange: [hider=The Exchange]You: "Communication skills of the community itself. [i]I have tried numerous times to open communication channels but (in the case of me talking to mods) I either get ignored, get talked to in a condescending manner, or I just get promises that are not followed up on. This is my own experience so perhaps others have had more luck. The original comment was talking more about the entire community as a whole but I've not felt like there was any place where I could even 'improve' my communication skills.[/i]" Me: "Perhaps there's tension between you and some of the moderators, which makes them less inclined to speak with you. I haven't had any problems with talking to them about various site-related topics, but that's just my experience." You: "I would like to think moderators are open to talking to everyone whenever they are available regardless of their personal opinion of said person, because that's what they're there to do." Me: "I'd also like to think so. But, I'd also like to think that the police would always respond as quickly as possible to each and every emergency call, no matter how significant of a criminal record certain callers possess. I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this." You: ".. I can't, you're just proving my point - you expect the police to react accordingly regardless of this persons' background. Just because it doesn't happen doesn't make it right." Me: "Should you become a staff member, would you be alright with me attempting to engage with you in the manner that you've engaged with Ruby? If so, I'll be sure to publicly criticize you if you retain your ghost status, whenever you act in a condescending manner, and each time you insult me and my abilities. Not only that, I'll repeatedly question your capacity as a staff member, condemn you for not meeting my arbitrary definition of activeness, and constantly bring up lists of potential improvements that could be made with regards to the forum, chat, and staff. We'll see how quickly you respond to each of my reports."[/hider] [/quote] It doesn't matter if you're an asshole to a moderator. It's not an excuse to simply ignore them for a while until you feel like dealing with the problem. I expect every police officer to help out BLM or the KKK even if they hate their guts. You don't get to selectively do your job just because you don't like the person or the way they act. As a moderator you should be able to do your job indiscriminately. While you didn't say mods didn't have to reply to reports you did say they could ignore them for a time if you were being "an asshole" to them, which is just one step away from not doing your job. Yes I would expect Odin if he was a moderator hypothetically to reply to any problem you had as if you were any other user and not catchamber. And I'll add something else I haven't seen discussed much. I still feel like moderators should be on the same page to an extent. I know every single one is different but that's where the problem lies. Because one mod will ban if you do a certain thing, but it's fine if another mod is online. Or one mod will take action against someone else reported but another will simply tell you that it isn't something they will take action against. Wouldn't it be a time saver to just instruct mods what you want to be considered offenses or not? It feels strange that mod actions contradict each other for some reason.