[quote=@Kratesis] [@Nytem4re] Can you give me a series of examples so that an average wait time can be established? Something like-- "PM A, sent on 5PM Wensday, received a reply at XHour on Y Day." Also, please note the subject of each message so we can place the reply time into context. [/quote] Never said there was a reasonable time period. I simply said they should reply to them when they had the time like any other user despite their attitude. [quote=@catchamber] I didn't say that it's okay for a moderator to ignore, or delay their response to, reports. I said that I agreed with Odin's sentiments about moderators being "open to talking to everyone whenever they are available regardless of their personal opinion of said person, because that's what they're there to do." Then I implied that I wouldn't be surprised if they delayed their responses to members with significant records. [/quote] Then I stand corrected. Although I still don't agree it should be considered normal to disregard someone based on personal opinion or records. [quote=@Ruby] Uh, yes, it does. [/quote] I'm afraid I disagree. From my time as GCS mod I did my job regardless of their opinion of me or my opinion of them. If anything if you feel your personal opinion towards them is too strong then the least you can do is direct them to another mod rather than delaying a response or ignoring them. I did this myself in on one or two cases where I felt I would be too biased. I am human too and I know you can't like everyone but it's your job really.