Meesei licked her lips as she stared into the fire. The scent of food cooking in the air was a bit more tantalizing than usual for her. However, she could be patient. She laid her head down on its side and gave a motion somewhat similar to a shrug towards Sabine. "I cannot know, unfortunately. There are no histories or records to work with. A small handful of Hircine's Champions may be mentioned in history, but most go unrecorded, regardless of their strength. It is not unreasonable to think that some of the Champions may have preferred their beast form most of the time, but it is just speculation." Sitting herself back up, Meesei took a few more sniffs of their cooking meal. It would be ready enough for them to eat soon enough. "I can say that I now have little reason not to fight in this form. Unless there is someone around who does not need to know what I am. It does certainly make me feel strong, capable. I suppose that does come with the knowledge that you can tear down a small tree with your bare hands, or scale a building in seconds. Hircine does certainly know how to make an effective predator. I think Lunise is becoming at least somewhat more accustomed to lycans, or at least my lycan form. It does speak to how intimidating we are that even one such as her could be made uncomfortable by even a friendly lycan." Meesei's gaze slowly drifted onto Sabine. "I do not believe I ever asked, what type of lycan is Karl? Is he a werewolf, or something else?" --- "We already have a better plan for dealing with him. Do'rhajul did not succeed in this attack, and that was a mistake for him. He will not get another chance like that." Ahnasha responded reassuringly. Ahnasha paused to stand herself back up to her feet, then she extended a hand down to Rhazii to help him up. "Come on, let's not just sit around here worrying. How about we all three go do something together? We could go shoot targets, try to summon something, or perhaps just go for a swim or have dinner? I can't do anything too physically demanding right now, but that's not going to stop me from spending time with you."