The information speech was weighing hard on Natasha's mind. She tried to process everything that had happened, last night with the whole letter situation as well as earlier with the blonde woman's speech about this institute. Her wife and her had sat in the kitchen a long time, talking about that letter and then had sat in bed for just as long, continuing their talk. They hadn't really come to any conclusion further than checking out what this was all about. And upon arriving Natasha's nerves had been all over the place. But Jaime had held her hand just like she did now and it had been enough to help. The speech however had left her with a whole new level of worry and confusion. It didn't take too long and they all were sat into a train. Just as they entered the train, Jaime leaned closer to her to give her a kiss on the temple and Natasha smiled thankfully. Her wife's support had always been the one thing to keep her sane and down to earth, so to speak. They took a seat at one of the couches-like banks and she held onto Jaime's hand while giving their sleeping daughter a kiss on the head. She used her other hand to stroke over Valentina's head. "Don't worry", she whispered. "Your moms are right here with you." But of course the one-year-old wasn't worried. The brunette woman looked at the other parents as discreetly as she could. She tried to spot signs for anything that suggested that they felt like her, scared, confused, maybe a little paranoid, worried. Natasha turned to her wife. "My mind is spinning", she whispered quietly. She had used the phrasing to describe the situation of her head making up bad scenarios, not coming to conclusions, being stuck on the ever same thoughts, mostly not bright ones, when she was dealing with depression. Right now her mind was trying to grasp what was going on but failed at it and it made her crazy, scared. She wasn't good at handling situations in which she didn't know what step was next. She couldn't stop the ever same thoughts from spinning in her head until they turned into a big blur. The train started to move and they were on the go. Natasha looked at the windows to look out at the lands but had to realize that the windows were made out of milk glass. Her mind kept spinning, it felt like there were too many thoughts in her mind at once, and she couldn't figure out a single one.