[@Leaves] It took you until...a pretty late-sounding part of the game, to have a gripe with it. Maybe I should attempt to slog through for the 4th time. That's right. I've given up with this game three times. I just cannot find any kind of entertainment value and it's a chore. I never get angry that popular games are popular, or unpopular games are unpopular, but with KH, it's...it's different. It's like Im' not angry at the game, or people who like it. I'm angry at the Universe. This is a PS2 classic, which I love. It's an action JRPG, which I love. It has platforming, which I love. I love Disney, and I LOOOOOVE Final Fantasy. Why has fate denied me the ability to see anything of worth in a game which is praised by millions, and is basically my dream game realised?