[B]Portsmouth harbor, England, April 1, 1800 19:00 [/b] [hr] [h1]The Orders[/h1] [img]http://joeryancivilwar.com/Special-Order-191/resources/who+wrote+the+lost+order+part+two[1]_files/image005.jpg [/img] Captain Wilson broke the seal on the letter, and could see as he unfolded it that it had very little writing. [hr] [b]The order stated:[/b] The [i] HMS Leer[/i] is to depart Portsmouth and be underway for a week then return on the 8th day. Do not make contact with any other ships unless signaled otherwise. You have 2 days to load provisions. Signed [i]Admiral Milbanke[/i] [@pandapolio]