[@DriveEMOut] Ahsoka continued shuffling the cards occasionally doing a small trick. She leaned against the wall and took note of a few people coming in. [color=6ecff6]"Well I play all sorts, if you didn't know by now, I [i]really[/i] like games." [/color] She said with a grin, propping one foot against the wall the buckles on her worn boot making small clicks with each movement. [color=6ecff6]"We could play a game sometime if you like but I get the feeling you're a bit too smart for that, losers tend to pay a high price."[/color] Ahsoka spoke casually watching Reeve as she tossed the cards backs and forth in her hands. He was definitely smart so she was glad she seemed to be on his better side at the moment, many of her acquaintances preferred to just drink and gamble so it was rare she had the chance to converse with someone of high academic caliber.