You know my best friend and roommate (who majored in finance and now works for the state bank department) came home today from work and told me he actually checked out the federal budget, and while I already know some of what he said, he did criticize Trump (whom he neither likes nor dislikes) over saying he'll cut foreign aid spending, when that accounts for less than 1% of the U.S. spending. Also something I knew (but not to this extent) was that our 7 trillion dollar deficit per year would almost be met if we halted military spending. Not to say we should halt it entirely, but even though we spend more on defense than any country (and more than many countries combined) we'd still be 20 trillion in debt, and the american work force would need to work for free 3/4ths out of the year to even get close to helping pay the debt the U.S. is in. Cutting military spending entirely would barely get us on track.