[@Regitnui][@candlelitcraft] I feel bad that this CS is so insanely short, but I can't add much because when I wrote out the history, I kinda realized, Antagonist, y'know? [hider=Chaya][center][color=darkgreen] [h1]Chaya Jin Wah[/h1] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/195/e/e/atla_oc_kick_pov_2_colour_by_vanna6yaoiheaven-d3r8a68.jpg[/img] (The other copy of this image without the water mark was the size of a tack >_<) [h2]General Information[/h2] Name: [color=white]Chaya Jin Wah[/color] Gender: [color=white]Female[/color] Age: [color=white]22[/color] Bender or Non-Bender: [color=white]Earth Bender[/color] Nationality: [color=white]Earth Kingdom, Ba Sing Se[/color] Height: [color=white]5'4"/162 cm[/color] Weight: [color=white]160 lbs./72.5 kg[/color] Appearance/clothing style: [color=white]Chaya wears clothing quite similar to the picture, however, her shirt actually turns into wraps for the sleeves, progressing long at a dark green/brown color that blends in with the earth to her wrists. Instead of metal bracers, she wears stone gloves and shoes, the same tools used by the Dai Li agents. Her hair is usually kept in a single braid that reaches down to her waist, secured tightly with a circlet of stone that allows her to bend her braid with a whip of her head, snapping it like a whip.[/color] [h2]Personal Information[/h2] Positive personality traits: [color=white]Chaya is decisive and tactful, knowing just how much to commit and when to cut her losses. She is a a powerful force to be reckoned with, and she knows how to get what she wants. She's used to being told no, and she's used to finding compromises to achieve her goals. She is powerful, supportive, and loyal. She refuses to abandon others, and believes in a higher sense of justice. Honor is close to her heart, and she refuses to cross her own moral boundaries.[/color] Negative personality traits: [color=white]On the flip side, Chaya is stone cold. Mercy is never considered unless it's a dire situation. The strong survive, and the weak perish. While Chaya won't kick someone while they're down, she will knock them to the dirt without a second thought. The powerful have the right to say something, but those beneath her should keep their mouths shut; That is, in Chaya's eyes, they should. Her temper is easily provoked, and she had a tendency to lose control when someone bests her, falling into self destructive tendencies to prove she's the best.[/color] Role: [color=white]Antagonist.[/color] History: [color=white]To be revealed in IC (Kinda ruins it if you know the antagonists motives from day one, right?)[/color] Special interests/skills/hobbies: [color=white]Chaya is trained in the Dai Li style of stealth and balance. She uses precise bending rather than the usual brute force of her kin. Additionally, Chaya is capable of metal bending, however, it has not been honed to its finest. Tremor sense is another talent of Chaya's. Sand bending is something that Chaya excels at, however, she prefers to use her stone armor as a weapon instead. She is a tactical mastermind.[/color] Relationships: [color=white]TBA.[/color] Anything else worth mentioning: [color=white]None.[/color][/color][/center][/hider]