[h2][b]The Tarwin Brothers[/b][/h2] September 5, 1969 1040 Out of the crowd of well-dressed businessmen stood the two twin brothers, The Tarwin Brothers. The suits had shown up midway through the speech, joining the other affluential men amongst the crowd at the back of the auditorium. If it wasn't evident by their flashy rings, expensive suits, haircut, and shoes - it was now as the crowd turned towards the brothers and greeted them. This crowd always showed up for the first years speech, not many students and staff had a clue who they were or what their stakes were with the school itself. It didn't take long for Jones to set something off because the businessmen started shouting, while it quieted down over time. They were not happy, the brothers promptly exited the auditorium. It wasn't a good sign. [hr] [h3][color=ed1c24]Nick Kostashe[/color][/h3] September 5th, 1969 1100 HRs Nick didn't show up for the assembly, it was quite obvious what his intent was for that day. It was easy to slip out since he'd been doing it years and this year didn't seem to be different. Fucking with cars came second nature, he was a gearhead a mechanic and engineer by trade. When he walked up to Jone's car he began his work jimming the hood open so he could get to the battery. Maybe it was his butter fingers or his impending rage for the poor VP but he jolted back as his hands sapped what was left of Jones's car battery. Nick's hair stood up as the battery laid dead in his car. Realizing what happened, Nick began to panic as he slammed the hood shut. Looking around for an escape plan as the hyped up male frantically looked around.