Miri kept the shields up. Again, with it being split into two, it was more like holding a large up to cover a doorway. There's no squeezing through, so long as Miri can move her shields to keep her in, but it's far from impossible to get a bullet through. It's just a matter of putting the woman's head in the path of it. [color=aabbdd]"I am a [i]Priestess[/i] of the [i]Holy Light[/i]. Compassion, Respect, and Tenacity. I am trying to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. I'm not about to let [i]anyone[/i] get killed. And that [i]does[/i] include you, too, John."[/color] She's either forgotten his name, or is still referring to him jokingly as "John J. Keeshan", whoever that is. [color=aabbdd]"I'm trying to keep her trapped. She can't scoot out of the bar, and she can't flip over it. If she wants to move, she has to move closer to the wall, which just gives her less room. Now, you can either bitch and moan about wanting to kill her, or you can go call the police. If you can't kill her, you can at least get some sick satisf--...some satisfaction from watching her rot in prison. A compromise between me protecting her and you killing her. Deal?"[/color] Her eyes flit nervously toward the man with the gun. She knows it's unwise to piss off angry, brooding guys with weapons, but a girl still has to keep her principles.