Kai flashed a smile back at Annie as she greeted him. Apparently, many saw her as 'motherly'. He had always pictured mothers as strict, uptight women who would never let the kids have any fun, but Annie seemed accepting of all of them, and he was glad that he could be comfortable being himself around her. He said nothing at the heated exchange between Reeve and Tristan, seeing as how a couple of other adults who were present had stepped in to deal with the situation, though, he was surprised at how pleasantly Reeve was responding to Ahsoka's curiosity. The mad scientist man was usually quite abrasive, but as their conversation went on, Kai could only wonder if the two would eventually end up kissing. Annie had brought down an unfamiliar individual, a short Asian man who greeted them in the polite manner. It was clear that his first language was not theirs, but that probably was not an issue since he did end up with them in their basement. Kai grinned and nodded that the man, mouthing a 'Good day' back to him from his corner. However, as he waited for the meeting to begin, he grew bored of observing, regretting coming in so soon. A few more were still arriving, and not wanting to stay quiet any longer, he slid up to Isago as Alexai was greeting Annie. "I should've stayed at the waterfront a little longer, it's rather stuffy in here," he began, before turning to Isago. "How about you, where have you been?" [@King Tai] [@bloonewb]