Malakaus stalked the city streets, prowling an area known as "The Deep End", a place littered with addicts, beggars, and psychopaths. He was here to hunt for a certain someone who thought they could back out of a deal they made. His target figured that Malakaus couldn't really succeed at the job he offered to do, and now the guy was trying to run. But there was no where left for him to hide here. Even among the insane and stupid, none hesitated to let Malakaus know where the poor sod was hiding. Wasn't long before the orc ran into a young human, barely fourteen years old. The kid was practically pissing his pants. He tried to beg, but Malakaus didn't even give him the chance to scream. One twist, and the kid's neck was broken. All Malakaus had asked for was a key. He had ask so nicely the first time too. Swinging the key around his finger Malakaus went back to the city and to a bank. From there, a fairly normal looking girl walked passed and and he handed the key off to her. She went inside the bank, and about ten minutes after she came out, handed Malakaus a watch, and the two parted ways. He just kept walking through as if nothing had happened. The watch Malakaus had was big and bulky, way too impractical for a regular watch. But what Malakaus wanted was inside. It was a special type of magitek battery that could fuel different types of big rigs and other heavy duty vehicles, but was smaller than a D-Cell battery. This stuff would've made a fortunate on the open market if the cost of making it didn't take millions. But for Malakaus, money was no issue. All he needed was this prototype so his gearheads could start manufacturing them. Grunt work like this normally would be done by Malakaus's minions, however he liked making it a point that he could carry his own weight as well. He especially liked flaunting the fact that such a large, rugged looking beast of a man could get away with walking around in broad daylight with nary a single person to try and stop him; he wasn't armed, or wasn't immediately dangerous, and unlike some others he had no record of criminal activity. Not because he never done a crime, but because he was smart enough not to be caught doing it. Even now as Malakaus returned to his parked truck, any evidence of his existence in the city was being eaten away by the vermin and rats of the city. Corpses were being consumed by hungry madden orphans, and corrupt bankers removed any trace of the man who's lockbox Malakaus's friend had accessed. By the time he drove off back to his HQ it was like he was never there at all.