[center]The land of Aria is a magical place full of many myths and legends, some holding more truth than others. One such tale, being one children's tale of a group of heroes and a demon. Famerin(fa-meer-in) was said to be the demon that would bring the end. Five brave heroes, with the help of a powerful mage, crafted weapons with which they trapped Famerin in an eternal prison, bringing peace to the land for many years. That is what the tales say, there are varied versions, some holding more truth, but that is the most common. What people don't know, is that it's not some fairy tail. Famerin is a real demon, and the six heroes really trapped the demon in what was meant to be an eternal prison. But even the most intricate of prisons have flaws, the flaw in this one? Mankind. The prison was the grimoire of the mage, and was locked using the weapons of the other five as a sort of key, and only by gathering them was the lock supposed to be removed. Over time however, mankind stopped believing in magic, weakening it significantly, causing this lock to deterierate, though not enough to free the demon. The grimoire, found it's way onto an imperial trading vessel, which as luck would have it would come to be siezed by pirates. Character sheet requirements: Character sheets are going to be done just a little differently here. I'm not going to give you a template, because I want you to give me what you think is important. While making your sheet, do keep in mind you'll be known by everyone on the ship already, be it only for a week, or for however long you've been on the ship, so if people would know something about you, it's probably important and should be mentioned. Can you make a 'non-human'? I'm going to say, if you can sell me the idea. Don't however get upset if you craft this idea for a non-human, and I ask you to make a human instead. Aria has it's supernatural stuff, but it's not common enough for every member of the ship to be such, so I'll be limiting it by both number and creativity.[/center]