Even after being nearly carried across the grand hall and having her gag removed it took several long moments for the elven woman to speak. Her azure eyes were wide. Her mouth worked with futility, forming shapes but without eliciting words. Images of what transpired above her in the rafters assailed her mind, worked her imagination even without her eyes beholding them. The rustling and occasional moan only enhancing the horrors her mind crafted. In the back of her mind she realized she needed to hold something back, keep something in reserve to barter with but the thought of what was above goaded her. It was hard to think when the consequences of failure were screaming in her pointed ear. What if they had tried the same thing? Maybe she needed to provide something of value, a service perhaps? The lord was a magician himself. What would he have need of her services for, surely he could scry for himself? Maybe she could offer... companionship? The very thought sickened her and this lord seemed to find solace in unspeakable horrors, pleasures of the flesh indeed, but not those she would willingly offer. She didn't want to be hung up like a side of beef. By all the gods above, he couldn't afflict her soul could he, shatter it or consume it? Is that what he'd done to the other prisoner or had it just been his mortal shell he'd consumed? She had been thinking all these things and more, her mind racing, coming up with ways to save herself while at the same time imagining all the horrors that awaited her and realized the entire time she'd had her thoughts racing she'd been babbling, spewing incoherent nonsense involving begging not being flayed alive, not to have her soul shredded and a dozen other things. She gazed up briefly through the tangled mess of once shimmering golden tresses and regretted it. She didn't want to see him. Didn't want to see what was beyond him or above him. She just wanted to leave. Hell, she almost just wanted to die so long as she didn't end up like the others above or worse... "-driver took her," she managed, her words finally coalescing, "the driver took her- took her into the woods- I don't know- to get the wagon through or maybe to trick the rebels into following the wagon instead of him. I don't know. I'm so sorry. I don't know. Please don't hurt me."