[centre][b][h1][color=tan]Cody Treadwell[/color][/h1][/b] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/626198f949188a9b3ce7e4f83f43386c/tumblr_okgmf8u3AU1tptgrno1_400.gif[/img] [sup][b]Location[/b] Zoè Flores’s house [b]Interaction with[/b] Damien Flores ([@YoshiSkittlez]) Zoé Flores ([@Vicier]) Aron Brooks (NPC)[/sup][/centre] [hr][hr] Cody was trying to get information from Aron, but it seemed that Aron wasn’t going to share, at least right then. A little hurt- or more than a little hurt, actually- Cody let the subject drop, although he kept a close eye on Aron, trying to figure out what was wrong, if anything. His thoughts were plagued however with wondering if maybe it was something Aron just didn’t want to share with him… and that maybe Aron was growing bored with him… Maybe Cody was being too… clingy? Lowering his head, although still looking at Aron using the corners of his eyes, trying to figure it out, a thought he never thought to think rushed through his mind. Maybe they just weren’t meant to be. It shocked him. He loved Aron, didn’t he? He tried to analyse that a moment, and knew that yes, he did. So where had that thought come from? He do anything for Aron… but maybe Aron wouldn’t do anything for him. Banishing those thoughts, realising that he might just be overwhelmed, tired and perhaps more than a little upset after the events of the night before, Cody lifted his head, looking to Aron, and managing a smile. For a brief moment, he wondered how he’d gotten lucky to have Aron, even if he was a little worried about things between them, wondering why Aron didn’t want to share what was up. He could give Aron that space. And he smiled brightly, until another thought fell through his mind. [i]Maybe… he wasn’t who he wanted to be… [/i]. He didn’t want to be worrying about his relationship… he knew that they were perfectly normal human worries, and he always worried about his friends… but he didn’t want his relationship controlling his life. His smile faded slightly, and he processed that a moment or two, before shaking his head, looking up as Zoé spoke, over his shoulder at her. [color=plum]“..Aron..? Cody- what’s goin-... oh, mierda; hang on…”[/color] He glanced a little worried towards Aron, seeing his own worry reflected there, and for a brief moment, he felt like everything would be right, despite the situation. He looked back to Zoé, as she talked on the phone, her profile to them, only able to hear her side of the conversation, but even that was enough to tell Cody that something was seriously wrong. Wondering what else could have gone wrong, and terrified for his friends safety, Cody checked his phone, sure that if something had gone wrong with either Syleste or Sebastian, someone would let them know. He hadn’t missed any texts, or calls, and he relaxed slightly, looking back to Zoé. Something was wrong, but he didn’t know what, and he flinched at the anger and venom in her voice in that one single [color=plum]“Again..?”[/color] As the conversation continued, Zoé’s side just seemed to make things worse, he’d gone from thinking that his friends were okay, to being scared about who else had been attacked- because it was becoming clear that there had been something like the night before happen. As she turned towards them, Cody reached out, and took Aron’s hand, reassured when Aron returned Cody’s gentle squeeze. [color=plum]“You two aren’t to leave this house until further notice, do I make myself clear..? Lock the doors, and don’t let anyone in. Not until we get back.”[/color] Nodding at Zoé’s words, and not intending to leave the house at all- unless of course they had no other choice, Cody was happy to agree, although he wanted to know what was going on, but didn’t want to ask. He didn’t want to delay Zoé in what was something important. He didn’t get to say anything as Zoé began to strip, for a few seconds too shocked to do anything but stare, before the thought [i]A sight utterly wasted on us[/i] tore him out his stupor, and he averted his gaze, not because he was worried that Zoé would think he was staring at her, but because it made him feel awkward- both the fact that she was a woman, and because she was, his boyfriend’s new mother. After a few seconds, he managed to find his voice, [color=tan]”Yes, Ma’am”[/color] his voice soft, and a little shaky- whether because of Zoé’s sudden strip, or because of the phone call and what was happening, Cody wasn’t too sure. Her next words confirmed what Cody suspected, and he shifted closer to Aron, not aware that he was seeking comfort as he slid an arm around Aron, shifting himself closer to his partner in the process. Another attack, and the way Zoé was acting, Cody couldn’t help but think it was something worse the their attack- she’d said something losing someone else- had someone died? For the first time, he wondered what the hell they were going to do- would this rogue Alpha rule their lives forever? He was about to argue with Zoé, to try to get her to let them come, before the words died on his tongue as he realised that she didn’t need to be worrying about them, being in danger out there, when they didn’t even know what the hell they could do, let alone how to do it. Yet he couldn’t help but saying [color=tan]”Stay safe”[/color] although he didn’t look at her as he did- what if she was still undressing? Or walking about naked? Was she doing that, so she could shift? Did they lose their clothes when they did that? Suddenly the thought that he could shift in school and back again, ending up naked popped into his head. A rather unpleasant thought. Maybe he could change to being home schooled. Although the thought of losing control with his parents was enough to zip that thought out his mind quick smart. Even as he hated lying to them, he didn’t want them to know what he now was. His parents were open minded, but perhaps not that open-minded. And he was getting side tracked. He risked a glance up, and looked away quickly once more, shifting awkwardly from his left foot to his right foot for a minute, [color=tan]”We’ll stay inside, I promise.”[/color] He said, as he gently tugged Aron towards him, waiting to lock the door after Zoé and Damien left.