[hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmZmMDUwNS5VMmxzZG1WeUlFWmhiR3h6LjAA/hastro.regular.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/HsjiarjDFpJp5kuOLHuOvd1_4k8=/fit-in/850x850/http%3A%2F%2Fmashable.com%2Fwp-content%2Fgallery%2F9-things-we-learned-about-twin-peaks-behind-the-scenes%2Fred-room.gif[/img][hr][@Mike73][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Morose][@Zoey White][@S0up][/center][hr][hr] Ah yes, another peaceful day in Silver Falls - things may seem grim, whether you're one of the many grieving a lost life, celebrating, or just one of the mob - things are all going smoothly... for now. Heed this warning, and heed it well - things will not remain so calm for long, indeed, Silver Falls and its inhabitants are about to be thrust into a nightmare, and this is one you can't wake up from, dear citizens. Prepare yourselves children, and heed well all the clues which you find here, they may be your only chances for survival in the battle to come. For most, the drive to the community center is calm, the streets are busier towards the center of town, but everyone's on their way to the same place. However, not all have such a smooth ride. As Richard coasts down the quieter streets of town, a red mustang speeds past, cutting him off rather suddenly as it continues along. In Richard's rear-view mirror a car rapidly slams on the brakes to avoid running into Richard's rear-end suddenly, and honks the horn loudly, the driver in the car looks angry, uncharacteristically so of any of the town's residents. The community center itself is surpsingly quiet, The car park is relatively full, but the interior only contains a little over half of the towns populace. On the stage there sits a small table with a chair and microphone, the quiet sound of muttering between family and friends in the crowd soon enough shushed by the sound of footsteps walking onto the stage. A lithe man, dressed in a suit with a badge on his belt, moves towards the table, taking a seat as he leans forward, clearing his throat. [b][color=D4AE6A]"Good afternoon - my name is Agent Donald Baker, I'm heading the investigation into Lucy Taylor's death."[/color][/b] The man pauses, glancing off-stage for a moment before he clears his throat and looks back to the crowd. [b][color=D4AE6A]"First off, the sheriff has decided that a curfew will be enacted from today onwards, no individuals under the age of eighteen are to be outside between the times of six in the evening and nine in the morning. The forest park is also going to be indefinitely closed to the public, for the duration of this investigation.[/color][/b] Though the sound of the agent's voice fills the theatre, those sitting towards the back can't help but notice the muffled sounds of shouting and angered voices from the lobby outside. [b][color=D4AE6A]"I'll be happy to answer any questions - if there are any."[/color][/b]