Okay so I've worked out with the wife Sunday will be my day for RP'ing, unless I find a little time here and there throughout the week. She knows I miss having time to write and agreed I was a lot less stressed. Work has been kicking my ass cause I went from the newest guy in my department to the most experienced when people started quitting and getting fired. I'll likely have time on Mondays as well to RP, but the rest of the week it's harder to stay awake after work. I'll PM everyone who was in the cast to see who's still in this. Sorry for the delays again. I know we had a lot of people in this and a lot going on, but I'll likely have to change it up after the current Episodes end to only two episodes going at a time. I was also in talks with one of you to become another Co-GM, so that should also help with the RP a little. -00492