Meesei was less "civilized" about her meal than Sabine was attempting to be. With less fine control, it was far easier for her to grab her portion roughly in her hand and tear into it with her teeth. She had to admit that there was a bit more satisfaction than usual in having a meal without the Ring. Losing the pull of her beast spirit's instincts also meant losing the satisfaction of fulfilling them. "In all honesty, some of Hircine's choices for lycans have seemed odd to me. I would have supposed he would have chosen all predator animals. Regardless, I am sure he had his reasons. Different types of lycans can make it difficult to form a clan with all of them as members, but wereboars rarely give trouble. Werecrocodiles are often the most difficult." Meesei said before tearing into her part of the meal. "Hmm, seems your nose did help with the seasonings, I would say. Just do not get [i]too[/i] used to it; I will be needing that Ring back." Meesei joked. After finishing off part of the meat, Meesei laid down on her back, relaxed, and started to lick the meat's juices off of her claws. "Is a wereboar as...soft and loving as a werewolf can be?" She asked with something approaching a chuckle. --- "I love you too, son." Ahnasha responded, her tone soft and genuine. She held onto him for a while, ignoring any soreness which it gave her. When they finally pulled back from one another, Ahnasha beckoned for Fendros to join them as they started to walk away. She was not entirely sure where they were going, but decided to simply allow Rhazii to lead the way. At the moment, she just wanted to spend time together as a family.