[hider=Beast] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a3/f5/c8/a3f5c891a420e8c7ab048ec60448fddf--xmen-comic-art.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Henry “Hank” Phillip McCoy [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Alias:[/b] Beast [b]Powers:[/b] Genetic Atavism: It is possible that Beast's mutation is a result of genetic atavism (or genetic traits that resurface in a species after many years of dormancy). He also possesses neotenous (or traits in a descendant that resemble those of an ancestor organism) characteristics, which would explain why he has a big modern brain with an ape-like physique. Superhuman Strength Superhuman Speed Superhuman Stamina Superhuman Durability Superhuman Agility Superhuman Reflexes Superhuman Dexterity Regenerative Healing Factor Foreign Chemical Resistance Temperature Resistance Telepathic Resistance Superhuman Senses Minor Pheromone Manipulation Razor-Sharp Claws and Fangs Genius Level Intellect [b]History:[/b] [u][i]“Child of the Atom”[/i][/u] Henry "Hank" McCoy was born and raised in Dunfee, Illinois, the son of Norton and Edna McCoy. His father worked at a nuclear power plant where he was exposed to massive amounts of radiation during an accident. Norton was completely unharmed, but the radiation affected his genes and, as a result, his son was born a mutant. Unlike most mutants, Henry showed signs of mutation from birth:[7] unusually large hands and feet.He managed to keep this relatively secret as a youth, putting it down to excessive hormones. A prodigy, Hank was also endowed with an innate superhuman intellect which itself was a curse. Hank’s mind was always racing, always thinking he never could find a way to shut himself off. At least not until his high school years where he entered the football program and excelled, finding a vocation that would allow him to vent his frustrations. [u][i]“Big Blue”[/i][/u] In an effort to fit in with the crowd, Hank had played down his intelligence for years, developing a reputation as “the nice jock” with a heart of gold and who did pretty well in tests. Life did seem to be going well for the young McCoy up until one particular night. That evening, Hank and a few friends had gone off to the latest Simon Williams film at the movies. It was the late showing, so they were the only ones there. As they film was entering its final few minutes, a thief stuck up the cashier in hopes of a decent score. Unfortunately, it was in that moment that Hank and his friends began leaving the screen, spooking the gunman and forcing him to open fire. Blacking out, Hank awoke several hours later and his world had changed. Not only were all of his friends dead but so was the gunman and the once handsome young footballer was now covered in blue fur and seemed controlled by his instincts. In the following months, an increasingly primal Hank would wait until dark and then break into food stores to survive. During one such outing, he came across Charles Xavier, who used his own unique abilities to unlock Hank’s brilliant mind and bring it back from the brink. Psychologically back to his old self but still physically a big blue ape, Hank felt lost until Xavier offered him a place of refuge and education. [u][i]“Dr McCoy, I presume?”[/i][/u] At Xavier’s School, Hank found solace among like minded friends, none of whom judged him on his ape-like appearance. Through Xavier’s teachings, the young man learned to shift between his ape and human form, allowing him some semblance of a normal life. hat said however, McCoy slowly over time began to understand that the "beast" was his true self and thus walked around the mansion in that form most of the time, only taking human form when the situation demanded it. Hank soon began to take an interest in science, particularly medicine and hoped to go to medical school once he learned to fully control what Charles called “a mutation”. He developed an idolisation of a famous surgeon in New York called Stephen Strange. It became Hank's goal to become the first physician in the world to be able to specialise on metahumans of all kinds, not just mutants. Before that could happen however, he and his friends had to deal with an incredible danger, MAGNUS. After the event in China, Hank and the group that had come to call themselves the X-Men went their separate ways. Hank went back to college and got himself a degree, earning his way into medical school and taking one step closer to his dream.[/center][/hider]