[quote=@Fabricant451] Well for starters, 1.5 fixed the camera which was the largest issue in the game back in the earl 00s. They also made it more like KH2 from a UI standpoint, meaning the triangle button was used to open stuff. But Kingdom Hearts 1 is far and away the best one in the series with Birth By Sleep being number two. You played the first world after the tutorial bits. Kingdom Hearts 1 is a much more pure experience and the only time the game actually felt like a genuine collab effort between Disney and Final Fantasy because the game plays out like a Disney movie and the Final Fantasy bullshit bits were secondary. The sequels went more and more into Tetsuya Nomura's baffling narrative to the point where it ruins the appeal and theme of the first game since now it's all predestiny and prophecy and garbage bad JRPG trappings with gameplay that is as uninteresting as its core cast of characters. As the series has gone on all they've done is make incremental changes to the combat system while slipping further and further away from the heart of the series. Pun intended. [/quote] [b][i]This video game review was brought to you by Fabricant's Subjective Opinion[sub]TM[/sub][/i][/b] No but seriously, I've only played KH1 and 2 so I cant comment on birth by sleep. I'm being very genuine when I say I struggle to see what people like about these games beyond the novelty of seeing Sephiroth in the coliseum from Hercules. The first game was awkward, bad almost movie-game level platforming, with extremely simplified and uninspired combat. The plot was somehow overly simplified on one level, but then convoluted on another, but mindlessly boring on both. Which I blame mainly on the characters, I'm [b][i]dying[/i][/b] to hear any argument that KH1's characters aren't the most wafer-thin one-note trope cut-out, power of friendship-tween concepts out of anything that Disney OR FF have conjured up. When your game's deepest character is a walking 'dark rival' trope plucked from something out of a pokemon fan-ficiton you know you are dealing with some paper people. Kingdom Hearts 1 was a polished snooze-fest which allowed me to see some fairly beloved final fantasy heores act out of character for a couple of cutscenes and getting to relive some plucked out nostalgic Disney cartoon scenes with little dialogue and no music. KH2 seemed to be even MORE convoluted but with slightly more bearable combat, (which was mostly just quick-time events and a poor man's devil trigger). I'll admit I skipped most of the cut-scenes a quarter of the way in, but it was fun playing the little mermaid mini game where I got to sing under the sea. Do you want to talk about how crap God of War is now?