The medicine was foul tasting, but she'd find she would feel a tad stronger the next day. The bed he had was large and comfortable, but still a bit lumpy so it wouldn't be something she would be used to. Berek had taken the cot in his workshop, while she had his small room with a table and two chairs, along with a single window the moonlight could spill in from if the curtains were not drawn. That night would be relatively quiet save the occasional howl of a distant wolf, and the faint braying of what must be the donkey Berek mentioned earlier, though these were few and far between and it would be easy to find sleep in the thick blankets of his bed. It would be early the next day Berek would awaken, cooking a hearty breakfast for two with eggs and bacon, along with pitchers of water. Though when Ferona would awaken, she would already hear the clanging of hammer on metal as Berek shaped and tempered a long piece of steel that he had already smelted the previous day in his bloomery. Berek wore his usual trousers and his linen shirt that clung to his powerful frame like a glove, his apron on as well. The billowing flames of the furnace heated the room comfortably, though if one got too close it could get intensely hot. Humphrey sat between the Kitchen and the smithy/workshop, panting from the heat but also quite enjoying it, so used to the usual noises by now.