Faced with the bed, Ferona had a similar experience to when she'd eaten the meager meal: she'd grown to appreciate less. There was a limit to this, of course, soon she would be capable of complaining about the lumpy bed and poor people's food. But for this night? A bed! A bed! That was such a glorious thing! She pratically fell into it, with her borrowed clothes still on, and slept well into the next morning. So when she finally came out she found the food and was lucky the flies hadn't gotten to it first. She didn't want to eat it but her stomach growled until she did. Fixing herself a glass of water she looked around. Where was that man anyway? She saw the cot he'd mentioned but not him. How early did he get up? Probably as early as any servant would, she supposed. When was that, at dawn? She did not know what to do with herself so she took out her purse and counted the money that was in it. It wasn't enough to pay for the loss of her hair, not in her opinion at least, but it was all that she could get. And at the same time, she knew the man had paid her well, including extra for shaving it off at the roots. She looked at her reflection in the water and rubbed her bare head. It felt so weird... She needed a scarf. And that was not all... she needed a dress for heaven's sake. And undergarments! All of this money might buy that much? At least she hoped it would. It probably wouldn't though, and she wanted to save it for when she really needed it. This money was HERS unlike everything else in this house. She should keep it. However, not all things were free in this world and she was staying with a poor person. He was feeding and housing her. Did he have to clothe her too? And all for free? She dreaded what type of reimbursement he might eventually ask for. So she put the money away, except for a few coins which she held in her hand, and searched for Berek. The forge was oppressively hot and it stank with smoke and...metal? But Berek was indeed there and--as his white shirt had become so revealing now that it was wet--she was treated to quite an impressive sight. His muscles seemed to ripple--or maybe that was the wavering heated air--as he lifted a hammer and brought it down on some steel. The muscles in his chest also flexed. Ferona's face flushed and she turned toward the dog instead.