[hr][center][color=slategray][b][h1]Harry Kingsfield[/h1] [IMG]http://www.oystermag.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article-image-650x580/images/dale-cooper-i-only-have-time.png[/IMG] Location:[/b][/color] Red Lake B&B[/center][hr][hr] The Bed and Breakfast was a cozy little thing, as small town Bed and Breakfasts had the tendency to be, so it was no wonder that there would still be guests there. The investigator decided he would wait for them to clear out before approaching his client. Harry was comfortable in Bed and Breakfasts; he had spent more than his fair share of nights mornings in them, to the point of developing a private rating systems for them. He gave the hotels two linked ratings from one to five based on the quality of the rooms and the food. A rating for bed, and a rating for breakfast if you will, notated in an X/Y format, Bed always before Breakfast. His ratings didn't use decimals, in fact he quite detested their inclusion in rating systems. They were entirely pointless and only served to take up space. If one wished to have a high degree of precision in their subjective rating system, simply use a large enough scale to accommodate it, for instance a 100 point scale rather than 10. His Bed and Breakfast scale worked with 3 as the baseline average. If there was nothing particularly noteworthy (positive or negative) about a hotel's Bed or Breakfast it would receive 3/3 by default. A score of 4 would mean that an aspect of the experience was beyond expectations: pillow mints, electric blanket, etc or that most parts of the Bed/Breakfast were executed solidly above the average. Scores of 5 were reserved for those rare hotels that managed to excel far beyond expectations in almost every way. Likewise, scores of 2 meant that either one aspect of the Bed and/or Breakfast was abysmal, or that it fell below standard in most tasks. A score of 1 demanded that in addition to falling below average across many categories (cleanliness, food taste, provided goods, aesthetics, etc) one particular aspect was bad enough for Harry to never utilize that entire service of the Bed and Breakfast ever again. Red Lake so far had managed to make him consider a score of 3/4, but it was a rating he wasn't entirely confident in yet.