[center] [h2] [color=00aeef]Jennifer Wolgast[/color] [/h2] [/center] [center] [img]https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/sherlocked/images/a/ac/Louise_brealey.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140104020943[/img] [/center] [center][color=00aeef][b]Location:[/b][/color]Community Center[/center] [hr][hr] Jennifer looked around, somewhat craning her neck. Some seemed like they might ask a question, but their hands weren't going up- not yet anyway. Well, Jennifer was worried. She was worried about everything and answers would be nice. Why were all these things happening? When are they going to stop? The curfew didn't really affect her- it's not like she was going anywhere. The curfew certainly ended very late into the morning but she supposed parents could escort their children to school and they could always take the bus. Her thin arm went up and her palm was towards the man. A few momets passed, then, once acknowledged by Mr. Baker her hand fell back into her lap and she spoke. Her pleasant voice broke above the murmer of the room. [color=00aeef]"Thank you, Mr. Baker. Um, I don't really know how to-...Okay. I'll just say it: Do you have any ideas on what's going on? Any, um, leads? It's just- things like this shouldn't happen here, Mr. Baker."[/color] Her voice rose in pitch as she became more nervous and excited. Her eyebrows were wrinkled upwards in apprehension and her lips were curled downwards in a frown. Her left hand was on her chest, clutching her husband David's ring through the cloth of her sweatervest. She realized it wasn't much of a question and it probably just made things worse but those thoughts were in the back of her head. What she was really hoping is that this figure of authority would say some magic words and make the problem go away. Of course, there was nothing he could say that could, and she knew that, and yet she asked her 'question' anyway.