[center][b]March 12th, 2020 McClellan Residence, A Prison of His Own Making[/b][/center] Tim didn't think being suspended for a few days was much of a punishment at first. Considering the way his mom had gone full lawyer and stormed out of the principal's office threatening to ruin Lloyd Senior's family and the school for apparently being fine with letting his son assault a student attending on a scholarship if Tim's punishment went further than that, maybe it wasn't really meant to be one. Still, being stuck in the house all day with no one around for two days running was starting to get boring. His parents had locked his tablet up in a chest in their room to 'teach him a lesson on solving his problems with violence first' even if they might agree with his reasons for doing it. He'd been thinking about all of it a lot when he wasn't distracting himself with his phone or TV. What was the point talking things out with people like that? You had to stop them from hurting people first and [i]then[/i] maybe you could talk with them about not being a complete- [h3][code]*bbzt!*[/code][/h3] Tim checked his phone, more desperate than he thought he'd be for reciprocated contact from the outside world. It was Elliot. Tim thought he might have given Elliot his phone number before he'd gotten called out over the PA. Maybe he'd gotten it off of someone in class. [b][center][code]So how'sprison?[/code][/center][/b] Tim was typing up a response, already grateful his parents hadn't tried taking away his phone so they could still contact him for emergencies. [b][center][code]Help me break out? I'm bored:rolleyes:[/code][/center][/b] [b][center][code]R u kidding?! u're lucky u didn't get x-pelled! I didn't think ne1 could get away with smthing like that and u're only gone 4 a few days!:respek[/code][/center][/b] [center][b][code]Yeah I guess that's true. mom's a lawyer and dad works for KBEL the broadcasting company. Think they threatened to do legal stuff and spread it all over the news.[/code][/b]-Better not say he was vice-chairman. It was the kinda thing that made friendships weird. Anyways, time to change the subject-[code]About the news you think Lady Arcana really fried the police commish?[/code][/center] [center][code]Ionno, it's sus. She could just gank him whenev no need 2b sneaky. Arcana doesn't kill NEway.[/code][/center] [center][code]Yeah I mean she didn't even kill that Nazi dude and he prob deserved it. It's the kinda thing that knocks her out for the spot for #1 hero[/code][/center] [center][code]Wut?! No way! Arcana's the gr8est![/code][/center] [center][code]You're crazy! I mean the Question's cool and mysterious and old school and awesome! Sure he's really just a Hub City guy who fights local crime but he's probably the closest thing we have to the classic Actor Activists from waaay back and being a normal dude fighting for the everyman in Hub just makes him cooler! Plus he's supposed to be a crazy good detective! Then you've got Grim in Gotham, who's amazing if at least even half the rumors are true AND they aren't afraid to off criminals who deserve it! They probably deserve the number 1 spot more than Arcana does! You have that Superman guy in New York too but he kinda seems like a massive jerk who doesn't care if he wrecks the city while he does his thing right? I dunno if he's a hero or just a guy doing what he feels like so Arcana's above him at least. I guess you hear some stories about that Vinestalker thing occasionally showing up to do hero stuff but isn't that more of a bigfoot or a loch ness monster deal so I don't think he counts. So I mean sure Arcana's probably the most powerful real hero in the world and she's cool but she takes it way too soft on bad guys who deserve it. I guess I'd give her like the number 3 spot so far but there's probably better heroes out there and new heroes keep showing up right? [/code][/center] aaaand that killed the convo pretty quick. Tim should've known better than to hit Elliot with a wall-of-text rant on superheroes when he probably would've just been like 'I still like LA tho'. after the first sentence and been fine. Tim sighed and went over to the indoor hutch where he kept the rabbit his parents had picked up for him one day, just because they felt like doing something nice, according to his Mom. "Hey at least I don't have to worry about you judging me for beating up bullies or getting hyper about heroes, right Hoppy?" Still, if had a chance Tim would love to really be a hero and not just watch them. He'd do way more than just stop some kid from getting beat on. It'd be great. If only.