He spoke up as she walked over to the dog. Had he seen her oogling him? She dropped down and petted the dog vigorously, trying to take her mind off it. Until now she hadn't realized how attractive the man was. And she was living with him! "What about that, Humphery? What do I do about that hmm?" She rubbed his ears and stroked his back. Of course his only answer was to lick her. She wiped her face with the back of her hand. "Fine," she said to Berek, without really thinking about it. Instead she thought about the coins and how to get what she needed... Preparing herself for the sight she'd seen before, she turned around. But she was looking upon him at a different angle now anyway. A bit more smoke came into the room and she coughed slightly, squinting. She stood up and said, "You don't have any servants around here?" still grimacing at the smoke.