Neil's ears uncomfortably popped due to the depressurization, causing him to open his mouth wide and bite as if he was chewing gum like he'd been taught back on his homeworld. Once they made it inside the facility proper, he switched on the lights mounted atop his small head piece. It was a far more civilian and less bulky version of what Sayeeda wore, more of something to keep his rebreather hugging his mouth. But the small flashlight helped, and if he needed he could put on infrared/ultraviolet goggles with a mere switch. He headed into the ghostly decontamination room, pistol out and ready. The feeds of the monitors buzzed ominously, but other than that and the lack of light, it looked like there'd been quite the party in here. Drugs and packs had been tossed away, a table was overturned as well, but no sign of anyone. No passed out personnel, or even a corpse to set any kind of scene. It was as if they disappeared. "Well, they might have heard about the anomaly and decided to head out before the RIP was impossible to traverse..." He watched the exits while Sayeeda checked the feeds, and something had his intuition piqued. He didn't exactly know what, but he slowly placed his handgun back in the holster, and deployed his personal flamer weapon, revving it up just in case. Thankfully, nothing had happened so far. “They kept an outpost here, however… sloppily, something is up and it looks like it started just before the anomaly was detected.” Sayeeda said. Neil raised an eyebrow at that. "Well, I don't think we'll actually find anything here, but...might as well get Cho-Lan's money's worth." Neil peered through the hatch's window, gazing into the darkness of the hallway that lay before them. It looked like there was nothing amiss, even with his limited field of vision. He checked to see when Sayeeda was ready, and then opened the blastdoor to reveal the hallway fully. His flashlight shining into the deep of the lightless corridor, he squinted. Shaking his head, he could have sworn he saw a face when he shined his light on the right corner, but it was suddenly gone when he looked back. "Did you just see that?" Neil asked Sayeeda. "See what?" Sayeeda replied, gun trained on any movement she might find. Neil shook his head. "Probably nothing." The pilot shrugged, and they moved out. Boots padded on the floor as they moved, and the next facility they encountered had various side rooms covered in glassteel, with stretchers and beds set up to house whatever patients happened to be sick from all of the vices they happened to do way out on the fringe of the system. Tools and blood samples were splayed across tables unceremoniously. "Well this looks deserted too." Neil said, making sure the left of the hall was covered why Sayeeda had the right in her sights. Flamer glowing hot, Neil was about to turn it down when he heard a scream that he'd never imagined would come out of Sayeeda mouth. And a wet thump hit the ground. Neil spun, to see Sayeeda's left shoulder covered in some sort of liquid that clung to her skin. The pilot's light drank up what had hit her what was now on the ground. It was the face. A body twisted and corrupted, its back broken by what looked to be savage convulsions, and tear marks were through the man's torso. He wore the tattered remains of a lab coat. His left arm was shattered, and his eyes stared blankly at Neil, just as they had the split second he had seen it not 10 minutes ago. Neil's mind began to work, and he gazed upward to reveal slime dribbling down from the ceiling, mixing with the crimson blood of the broken form that lay on the floor. "I saw this guy back in the room, in the hall. But...I don't think he was alive then either." [@Penny]