Berek hoped the smoke hid his face when she asked about servants. [i]She was serious...[/i] He shook his head, more to keep his senses in tact than to say no to her, though he didn't stay silent. "Nope. Just me." He told her, somewhat amused and confused at the same time. Even Queens did some things for themselves, didn't they? He'd offered to help her with whatever she needed, but he had things to do. "I'd have an apprentice if I could afford one. But so far I've been too busy to look, unless you want to learn some smithing." He joked, and once the furnace was hot, he placed the metal down to begin reshaping it. He breathed in, his considerable chest enlarging as he stretched, before he began working the metal with his hammer. "Something on your mind? You can grab a chair and talk if you want. Or sit on the cot. I'll be here for awhile. I have until lunch to finish two more contracts. At least with the metal working..." As he spoke, he lifted the metal up and eyed it, making sure he hadn't accidentally bent it too awkwardly with his strength.