[hider=I promise this won't become Youjo Senki][list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Yamada Jiro / Sif [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 3X / 9 [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [*][u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Alv [*][hider=Original Appearance-Activate Salaryman Powers][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1393/1d232ca9b2f9f3ce1bee1c78d6e34be0785926a2.jpg?1460242[/img][/hider] [*][hider=Current Appearance-Much Cuter][img]https://safebooru.org//images/2164/218faf9dffb9da9ad6a5261ba0b734797e403694.jpg?2255990[/img][/hider] [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] In general, Jiro was conditioned to take things in stride and simply deal with it. Of course, the current situation is far beyond what that would be... but that won't change the response. Unsuitably sarcasm and cynicism is the order of the day, by and large, though it's not like Sif can [i]completely[/i] escape her childish impulses and present far greater level of energy. It's just not her normal reaction to things. [*][u][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/u] In his original life, Jiro was about as stereotypically dull as it was possible for any living human to be. A middle child with no outstanding abilities or talents, he ended up working in a respectable office job and finding his way to middle management. Not one to find time for romance, he was also the type to sideline his interests to get more work in and then go out drinking. All in all, a banal but tolerable existence. Her life as Sif has hardly been one that could be construed as more exciting in concept--a child is just a child, even when they're an elf. Hailing from one of the Eastern kingdoms, one couldn't say much except that it was a comfortable family life. Uprooting to live with family in Grandia despite the risk of war--the magically inclined only increased in demand, after all--may have been one of their poor choices, given the presence of unscrupulous types who have an interest in young Alves. She's in quite a pickle right now. [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Sif has unusually high magical potential even for an Alv, but that's it--[i]potential[/i]. She has no actual training beyond a very rudimentary "and this allows you to clean dishes instantly" deal. If she had anything more significant, her current predicament wouldn't be so bad. [*][u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] In the skills department, Sif is woefully lacking in anything that would really be of use to a child. Whilst she now has the benefits of a full tertiary education, it is safe to say that a child is not going to be getting that much mileage out of office skills adapted for abundant computers and even less out of managerial ability. The most useful skill she has going for her is having learned well how to actually learn material--if presented with a chance to learn magic, she's going to do it a lot faster than her age would suggest. Though maybe she could put her skill at number-based logic puzzles to work and start writing games for newspapers? [*][b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] Nada [*][b][u]Origin:[/u][/b] Our World[/list][/hider]