She pouted slightly. It would be so much more convienient if he did have servants, and it proved how poor he was (although she already knew). Couldn't some nobleman have saved her? She could be living in the lap of semi-luxury then! But realistically, she knew a nobleman was even less likely to care about her, in the state she was in. As he'd said yesterday, she was lucky he was the one who found her. However the idea of her becoming the servant or apprentice was horrifying. She made a flabbergasted noise and wrinkled her nose again. As to the offer to hang around here and talk, no thanks! He might be pretty to look at but it was sweltering in here! She was sweating too and it was disgusting! She did have something on her mind though... so for the moment she went and sat on the cot. She held her hand up and shuffled the coins around. "Buy me a dress," she finally said, glancing up at him.