[center][h2][color=springgreen]Chen Praetorium[/color][/h2] [@TheWindel][@KoL][/center] Chen had seen Diana the moment she entered the throne room, nobody in Heaven was quiet enough to sneak up on him, much less Deva. It did not matter, he knew she was simply curious and held no ill intent. Iona came in soon afterwards, calling her out and questioning Chen as to what was happening. A chill went up his spine, no matter how many years he spent around her Iona still unnerved him. Of course none of this visibly showed, but she probably knew. She was just like that. He took a moment to consider his words before speaking, feeling Pink bump into his leg. [color=springgreen]"This pink wolf girl approached Deva without reason. I was merely doing my job as a guard, seeing as how nobody outside saw fit to do their job."[/color] His voice rose slightly at the last part, the guards outside would certainly be punished later for letting three different people inside without explanation. [color=ed1c24]“Fuck off."[/color] And with that Ruxen awoke, in a foul mood as usual. [color=ed1c24]“Great. And who the hell are you supposed to be. Why don’t you find someone else to piss off before I piss off in your fucking throat.”[/color] Always a break from the mundane, Chen even found it amusing when she started cursing someone out. [color=gold]“She may proceed. I assume she is here for Ruxen.”[/color] The Imperator spoke for the first time during this whole encounter and Chen dutifully moved aside. [color=springgreen]"Yes Imperator."[/color] He then proceeded to move towards Diana and Iona, a steely stare focused upon the Dragon girl. [color=springgreen]"Is there something you needed here?"[/color] A clear indication to either speak up or get out. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/g1j60mP.jpg[/img] [h2][color=steelblue]Henry Avaritia[/color][/h2] [@KoL][/center] [color=ec008c]"I see."[/color] Henry blinked twice, surprised by the fact that nothing was impaling him or beheading him. He glanced around, waiting for the portal to drop him into a black hole, but nothing happened. [color=ec008c]"Underestimating the abilities of our enemies just because our own have grown is still an issue that must be correct. This behavior has dragged the Machina to ruin many times,"[/color] Eos muttered to herself, trying to figure out a good plan for the next battle. [color=ec008c]"Is that all you wanted to say? If so, I thank you for your efforts."[/color] Henry's eyes widened like saucers, what the fuck? [color=steelblue]"Did... did you just say thank you?"[/color] The very idea of his leader not killing him upon reporting a defeat was insane enough, but a thank you? Holy shit why didn't he leave the Demons sooner, these guys gave him a hotel room, permission to torture POWs, and even thanked him for his services! He shook off his amazement and gathered his thoughts, there was more to report. [color=steelblue]"Um, no actually. I think I do have more to report."[/color] He then proceeded to report how the battle had gone in detail, from his battle with Zak upto Victoire appearing and him impaling the both of them. [color=steelblue]"And finally I want to report upon something I had found really fucking weird. When Victoire bit me it made me feel really strange, I think it may have been some sort of toxin. It numbed my pain and replaced it with some other feeling, a good one. It might be used as a paralyzing agent, I could barely move because of it. Probably irrelevant since most of our soldiers are machines, but it is something to consider. That is all."[/color]