[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/sbufiQm.jpg[/img][/center][center][h1][color=ed145b] Alexis [/color][/h1][/center] Alexis gave Elias a half smile for his effort but her heart wasn't into joking. Something else was bothering her. The money. Nathan knew her but she hated him because he was obviously alright with hitting his woman. She could not tow down to him for the rest of her life and she wouldn't let him beat her. She would end up killing him. [color=ed145b]"I really wish you were fully healed. I could really hunt right now."[/color] Looking at the clock she realized that they had been talking for hours and her brow furrowed. [color=ed145b]"I need to check on Sophie. She was supposed to be here over an hour ago. I wonder what is keeping her. Excuse me. I'll be back."[/color] Without thinking she leaned over and kissed Elias on the lips quickly. She was so distracted with Sophie that she didn't see his response to her quick kiss. After speaking to one of the other maids she grabbed her coat. She put pants on under her dress, partly for warmth and partly for attacks and the protection it afforded her. She took the same route to the address on the card that Sophie's boyfriend was supposedly at. She noticed that part of the way was not well lit. Hearing some noise down the middle of a dimly lit alley she was glad she had her umbrella with her. The mistiness had given her a perfect excuse to carry it with her. All of her instincts were on high alert as she walked right down the middle of the alley. [color=ed145b]"Sophie? Are you down here?" [/color]The noise became audible as soft crying and she barely heard a [color=8dc73f]"yes".[/color] Hurrying as Sophie became clearer in the poor lighting Alexis saw the battered woman and she looked around for an attacker. Seeing that they were alone she checked her for broken bones and Sophie whimpered when she pulled her to her feet. Picking up Sophie's cloak she wrapped it around her and pulled her hood up. Making sure she was able to reach her weapons quickly she put an arm around her waist and nearly carried the girl back to her aunt's house. Alexis opened the front door to the house and the house jumped to life when she yelled. [color=ed145b]"Help! Sophie's been attacked!"[/color] Her aunt came running as well as most of the house staff. Two men were sent to look for the attackers while a third went to get the doctor and a policeman. The women of the house took care of her and within minutes Sophie was stripped down and put to bed to await the doctor while her cuts and bruises were tended to. Alexis quickly went to Elias' room. [color=ed145b]"Elias,"[/color] She said opening the door. [color=ed145b]"Something has happened!"[/color] Closing the door she nearly ran to the bedside to tell him what Sophie had told her on the way home. [@December]