[center] [img]https://i.ebayimg.com/images/a/(KGrHqRHJ!wE-dS4FSVuBPtoV4k7OQ~~/s-l300.jpg[/img] [h1] Business of Death [/h1] [i]Hey, hey, welcome to the Grim Reaper Society Headquarters. Glad you found the place, some people get lost for an eternity...jokes aside, let's get down to the nitty gritty. I'll update your Black Book, and then we can get you back on the streets. [/i] ~~~ [h2] Background [/h2] The Grim Reaper Society is a group as old as time itself. Almost. The Society exists to train people to become Reapers, people who enforce The Rules. When you live, you don't interfere with the lives of others. When you die, you go to heaven (or hell, or whatever you believe in.) The basics. Unfortunately, when you're dealing with people who have broken The Rules, you need a little more than a nudge in the right direction, so every Grim Reaper is gifted with the power of Voodoo (not just dolls) to make sure the Rule-Breakers get the punishment they deserve. The Grim Reaper Society's headquarters and main base of operations is in New York, New York, located in a nonchalant office building. The door to Room 25-A only opens to those who it has opened before, or for somebody with a Special Invitation. Reapers do not apply, they are chosen, for the world does not know of the Grim Reaper Society's existence, very few believing them as an urban legend. Lately, there have been some problems arising all across the city, and it's up to the Grim Reapers, as usual, to clean up the mess. ~~~ [h2] Necessary Jargon [/h2] [hider=impurtant werdz] [b]Grim Reaper Society:[/b] Abbreviated to GRS. A helpful little society that enforces the Rules. [b]Reaper:[/b] A member of the Grim Reaper Society. Enforces the Rules, and punishes those who break them with a swift chop. [b]The Rules:[/b] The Rules are the guidelines of life. They are the following- 1) You must never harm the life of others. 2) You must pass through to the afterlife once yours had ended. 3) You must not help another commit one of the above. Failure to comply with The Rules authorizes for the destruction of your soul. [b]Rule-Breakers:[/b] One who has broken the Rules. Breaking the Rules lets you live longer, but your soul gets turned to dust once you get caught by a Reaper, so not everything is good. [b]Weapon:[/b] Well, it's a weapon, duh, but not in GRS context. For a Reaper, your weapon of choice is a helpful tool to destroy souls. A solid weapon must be manufactured by the right people to work. Your weapon of choice will become imbued in voodoo, making it more powerful than a standard weapon. [b]Voodoo:[/b] Upon destroying a soul, Voodoo is gifted to you. Voodoo does not necessarily require dolls. It is magic, but magic specified to you. Some Reapers can shoot ice from their fingers, some can teleport. Voodoo is a powerful asset, but runs dry quickly, so it's best to take advantage of it. [b]Mass Reap:[/b] Basically a super move. Good for large quantities of Rule-Breakers, Anti-Reapers, and Hitmen. Like Voodoo, it is dependant on who you are- almost every Mass Reap is different. It is difficult to pull off and should only be used by B-Rank Reapers or above. [b]Hitmen:[/b] Rule-Breakers, but with extraordinary skill to boot, the goal of the Hitmen are to get rid of the Reapers so they can live a fulfilling life. They do take assassination contracts, but their main goal is to kill Reapers. The society is officially called the Hitmen, but Reapers call the Anti-Reapers because they are anti Reaper. [b]The Market:[/b] The black market, but with weapons, talismans, and souls. Moves around a lot. 110% illegal. [/hider] ~~~ Believe me, I know it's a complicated world, so any questions, do ask. -lol [/center]