And done. [hider=Orion the Merchant] Name: Orion Tanbei Age: 26 Gender: Male Race: Wolf Beastkin Appearance:[hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: Orion is a rather cheerful individual. A smile is almost always plastered on his face as he talks with customers and other merchants alike. He isn't necessarily competitive so most people think he wouldn't survive in the world of merchants - but he has been doing this for quite some time already and has proved to be quite skilled in it. Understandably, he is quite the social person who rarely chooses those he interacts with before introducing a product. At the rare times that you don't see him working, he's quite the storyteller. Thanks to his years of being on the road, you get to experience a lot of things. People often tell him that he is naive and foolish because of his optimistic views in life, but he knows better than them. He believes in fairness when it comes to sales; if he thinks it doesn't deserve a high price, then he wouldn't put a high price on it. Though thanks to his good eye for products, his products never meet an all time low price tag on it. Orion loves reading books and has learned some of his magic thanks to this. When he has spare money, he buys himself a book or two which he reads for a while before trading it for another book and so on. Brief Backstory: Hailing from the land to the East, Yashima, the Tanbei family have once been restricted to trading within their own country. As Beastkins, they proved to be quite excellent in protecting themselves from thieves and bandits. As years turned into decades, the Tanbei family had established quite a name as one of the leading merchants in Yashima. Figuring that they should expand their range, they began sending out travelling merchants who trade exotic goods from Yashima for coins or even exotic goods from their country. The Tanbei family became well-known for their success in the trading industry, making them one of the richest families in Yashima - an impressive feat for a Beastkin. Orion was born in Yashima and trained to become a travelling merchant himself. He was taught how to properly handle a rifle and whatnot. However, he rarely used that since there were less bandits around the area. He sometimes conscripted the help of mercenaries when passing through shady areas just in case something goes wrong. As he continued travelling, he found himself in the countries of Felbar and Grandia and has quite the surplus of trading there. However, it became increasingly obvious to him that tensions were increasing and that there was an impeding war. Unsure on how to feel about this, Orion simply stayed to continue trading and see what happens. Perhaps a foolish decision on his part, but he is quite curious on what would happen. He hoped that he wouldn't die because of this. Abilities:[list] [*] Summoning - Though it doesn't have as much variety as other summoners out there, Orion could at least summon a guard or two to protect him when he needs it the most. These appear as corporeal beings, the only difference being that they are slightly transparent if you stare at them for quite some time. He is still studying how to summon other creatures. His summons are limited to animals for now. [*] Enhanced Senses - Being a beastkin, he has a rather acute sense of hearing and smell, attributed to his wolf-like features. They're better than that of a normal human's and he's usually careful when he begins to hear the small signs of trouble brewing up. [*] Animal Instincts - He's quite hypersensitive to the world around him. Shifts on the planet that results to Earthquakes, explosions and whatnot are usually felt by him. [/list] Skills:[list] [*] Art of Trade - A genetic trait from his family of merchants, traders and shopkeepers, Orion, himself, is rather good when it comes to selling his supplies to the right people. He charges fair price, yes, but it always rakes in good income despite the fairness of it all. Whether or not people would believe that he isn't robbing them blind is up to them; he doesn't care either way. He has the goods and he just wants to sell it. [*] Cooking - He loves to cook and he's quite good at it [*] Marksman - Another skill he picked up to try and protect himself from bandits that would try to attack his mobile caravan. [/list] Equipment:[list] [*] His trading caravan is an altered machine created by his family's local smiths. It can open and close its window to allow access to the merchandise inside. It's fairly intricate and rather complicated to explain the full extent of its capabilities. [*] He owns a rifle that he rarely uses but is still there for sentiment reasons. It runs mostly on magic power, translating magic into a bullet which it then sends out as ammunition. It can be loaded with real bullets but it has been known to be less effective. [*] He does have claws and fangs that can be used as a means for attacking. [/list] Origin: Native [/hider]