[@Agent 47] Can you look over mine to see if anything needed to change? Thanks. [hider= The Mad][center][b][h3]Vladimir Voynich the II[/h3][/b][/center] [hider=Appearance] [b]Human Appearance: [img]https://img06.deviantart.net/cbd4/i/2010/001/4/4/human_male_face_study_by_marrilliams.jpg[/img][/b] [b]Dressing Appearance:[/b][img] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5a/61/3c/5a613c2e5848b566e52086acf126c263.jpg [/img]. [/hider] [b]Age:Somewhere from 32[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Allegiance: [/b] United States of America [b]Height: 195 cm without suit. 198 cm with suit[/b] [b]Weight: 75 kg without the suit. 75.5 kg with the suit.[/b] [b] Killcount: 505 (at least 312 civilians, 143 officers, and 50 soldiers) [/b] [b]Citizenship: American [/b] [b]Occupation: Leader of Bloodhound cult, Special Soldier for United States[/b] [b] Personality: [/b] The man can be called as a sadistic, with many traits of psychopathic. The man laughs for no reason or mumbling to himself in the corner. But Vladimir spent most of his time in the room, testing his magic and reading books, mainly autopsy and philosophy. Despite his gender, Vlad does not seem to possess desire of mating under any form with anything. [b]Individual's Power:[/b][url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Corruption_Magic]Corruption Magic [/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Regenerative_Healing_Factor] Regenerative Healing Factor (Advance level)[/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Curse_Manipulation] Curse Manipulation [/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Force-Field_Generation] Force-Field Generation [/url] Main Appilication : [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Corrupting_Madness] Corruption Madness [/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Corruption_Manipulation] Corruption Manipulation [/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Element_Manipulation] Dark Element Manipulation [/url] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Taint_Generation] Taint Generation [/url] [b]Biography:[/b] [center] “...some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.” Michael Caine [/center] Valdimir Voynich the II was raised in an orphanage. His mother died when giving birth and his father was a victim of a violent riot against the government. He only lived in the orphan for few years until he was adopted by a family by the age of nine. It was only a few months later that the neighborhood found the parents were killed and no sign of Joshua. About 7 years later, a cult started to appear, worshipping a god called Rnakna. Coincidently the number of missing people increasing with the group activity. It did not take long for the police to connect the dot and attack a small barn, a few miles away from the city. Inside, they found a kid with similar characteristics of the missing boy seven years ago. Out of fifteen cops that were fully armed and deployed on that day, none walk out that barn. The scence of the battle was gruesome, with scattering limbs and internal organs. But one thing worth notice was the sixteen years old child was taking his time to slaughter these people as their time of death were different from each other. It took them at least 12 years to track down this monster and bring him down to see Waller. From then, Vladimir Voynich had been under her lead for 2 years. The reason she was able to control him was unclear. ( She controlled him by placing a liquid nitrogen bomb in his head, able to freeze everything to near absolute zero. The thing will also denate if sign of removing is detected.) [b]Side note: [/b] Vladimir Voynich had a pet snake. He called it Me. [hider= snake pet " Me"][img]https://wallpapers.wallhaven.cc/wallpapers/full/wallhaven-165685.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider]