Berek was surprised at this sudden change of heart, to be sure. He had expected her to yell at him again, but she actually...offered him her hand. He didn't know what to do, really. For the first time, he actually did feel like she was more than what she appeared to be. Her claim of being a deposed queen was looking closer to the truth. He did his best to give a bow, though it was more of an inclination of his head and broad shoulders, and he took her hand as gently as he could. "That's...I'd love to as well." He told her. Her being agreeable was quite pleasant actually, and when her wrath wasn't on the surface, her green eyes were quite enchanting. He did his best to escort her into the kitchen, smiling and looking into her eyes every once in awhile as they walked. When they made it inside, he slipped on a shirt before he he made lunch. Suddenly he had no idea if he was entertaining a queen, going on a date, or making lunch for a guest that seemed to appreciate him more now. Either way he was going to make it good. So he fixed her up one of his best meals. It was a trencher deluxe (medieval sandwich with all of the fixings), and before he presented it to her, he made sure this was just what she wanted. When he edited the trencher to be just what she liked, he presented it to her and gave her a glass of water, and then sat down opposite the regal woman. "Sorry about being dense earlier." He said, doing his best to keep his pride out of this. (Even if she wouldn't). "I'm sure you're used to the best of the best." He smiled, looking inwardly. "The best I can do is forge. I guess I lack other areas."