[@t2wave][@Hawlin] "Well, I suppose the most pressing matter would be a little briefing on your specialties." Stryker had poured himself a cup of coffee and gestured to the other two that they could help themselves if they wanted before continued "We've got quite a few battles coming up on this job, and I'd like to know what you can do, and what type of gear you favor, so I can slot you into the plans in the most tactically advantageous positions." "Excuse me Stryker" the voice of the ship's A.I. interrupted "I must inform you that there are men outside the ship, they appear to be the ones bringing supplies." The P.A system crackled to life "I got it Stryker" Carver said "Pre-flight's all done, and I want to make sure they don't lift anything off my ship." -------------------- [@Banana][@Simple Unicycle][@Tickout] "Nice shot" Kira observed "Mind if I take a crack at it before I head down below?" She slipped over into the copilot seat and waiting for him to turn over control of the main gun. When the targeting computer went live, she took a moment to figure out the controls and got to work, lining up a perfect shot on the pirate's bridge. "Smile you sons of bitches" she muttered as the computer dinged with a good tone, signalling a full lock-on. She unleashed the blast and watched with a grin as the laser cannons streaked towards the vessel, tearing the entire left section of the bridge to shreds. "That was fun. Ok, control is going back over to you. Gun crew ready?" She looked out the door and saw that Seth, Juli, Jen, Raisin and Maxi were all in position. So there was one last piece of business, she raised Ace's comms on a private channel. "Alright, last chance bud." she whispered "If you want to stay on the ship and co-pilot, come on up. You don't have to come into the battle if you don't want to. This is your choice, but you've only got a minute or so to make it. Kira out." "You good?" She said to Tibulus "I'm heading down to the shuttle. My pilot might want to come up and lend a hand here, but if not, I'm sure you'll be fine. Don't forget to come in on them at the right angle to put a shot in the main thruster, and a few more along the rear sector to ensure depressurization. I'll send a signal when it's safe to recall the shuttle. Good hunting." ------------------------ Down in the cargo bay, Kira pulled her helmet on as she boarded the shuttle and sealed the door behind her. It was a little cramped, but they'd make do. "Alright everyone, shuttle door's closing, we're taking off in 60 seconds. Oxygen-breathers, take a minute to check the suit of the person next to you, make sure they've got a good seal. We'll be going through open space for approximately 20 paces, which is exactly 8 more than any of you will survive if the hermetic seals aren't secure. Especially once you factor in the extra time it'll take to get through any locks on the hatch door." She looked at Amy and Taleste "Girls, I want you both on my six at all times. The rest of you are gonna be under the watchful eye of my dear brother here" She bumped Marcus on top of the helmet as she took her seat and got him to check her suit. The alarm bells blared as the cargo bay ramp began to lower There was a shudder as the artificial gravity filtered out of the open cargo bay door just as the ignition and inertia field engaged on the shuttle. With a jolt, they were off. Two minutes of complete silence as the shuttle soared through the exposed space between the Revenant's drop point and the landing zone on the hull of the pirate ship. The shuttle pitched slightly as it came down to land. The team filed out of the shuttle and made the short trip across the hull with mag boots active. Marcus was able to pop the access hatch and one by one, everyone filed inside. Beyond the access hatch was a dimly lit airlock chamber. To the left was the grate to the ventilation maintenance tunnel that Kira's team would be crawling through, to the right a door leading to the rest of the ship. The floors were slightly shaking from the exchange of fire between the Revenant and the pirate vessel. [@Xandrya][@Silver Carrot] "Ok everyone, this is it. Good hunting, check your sightlines, and let's give the bastards a swift trip to hell." Kira got to work prying open the grate, talking her team through the plan as she pulled. "Taleste, you take the lead, Amy in the middle, I'll bring up the rear." [@Dealdric][@BKburke][@Dark Light][@Azereiah] Grayson followed Marcus closely, readying his MARS rifle by shifting it into fully automatic mode. SAL was right behind him, and to his left was the hulking figure of Vulcaan, who was carrying a heavy chaingun with no apparent issues. The fireteam proceeded down two flights of stairs before Marcus held up his hand to issue a full-stop. "The forward cargo area is right beyond this door. I want a clear line set. Nobody goes too far ahead of the person next to them, lest they wander into the line of fire. Take cover and check your six, got it? Let's move. With that, Marcus charged through the door, and opened fire. No going back now, the assault had begun. (OOC: This is sort of what I have in mind for this cargo area, just an absolutely cavernous and dark room where you never know what could be around the next corner: ) [hider=Cargo Area][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/warehouse13/images/a/a5/Warehouse_Pan.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100718105532[/img][/hider]