[color=f7941d]CELESTE BROWN[/color] - Sandy Coves Inn -- night, to morning "Thank you for a wonderful night, Celeste. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did." "Oh Adam," Celeste gushed, swooning. "It was just...amazing. See you soon!" She squeezed both his hands in hers, before opening one of the double doors and floating into the inn. Sara stiffened her posture and moved herself to the edge of the counter, her legs dangling off the side with her rifle lying across her lap. “Oh! Hey Celeste! Sorry I think I drifted off for a few minutes?” "Hmmmmm?" Celeste hummed dreamily. She blinked once or twice before the reality of her setting fully dawned on her. "Oh! Well, that's quite all right. It is getting late, after all!" Sara stood up from the counter. “I'm going to head back to my room if you want to talk about your night.” "Talk? That sounds quite nice, actually," Celeste smiled. "I'll go get washed up, first, if that's okay?" Sara lingered in the hallway, then her face flushed bright red. “You're looking beautiful tonight. What I wouldn't give for a woman like you….” Suddenly, she stopped mid thought, then left before Celeste could say anything. Celeste blinked. "What a weird thing to say!" she replied, out loud. "She doesn't have to give anything, I'm already here." Celeste shrugged, then made her way back to her quarters to change. She rifled through her ruined dresser, pulling out a flannel shirt and some jeans. She pulled her dress up and over her head (which, truly, felt like she were peeling it off), buttoned up the flannel top, pulled on her jeans, and put her All American sneakers back onto her feet. She stepped back into the foyer and Brandy's picnic basket caught her eye. Celeste peeked inside to see the chicken and moonshine were still there, untouched. "It'd be rude to just throw it out," she said to herself. She slipped her arm through the handles of the basket and made her way up to Sara's room. "Sara, it's me, Celeste," she called a the doorway, giving it a knock. The smell of tobacco smoke wafted through the doorway. Celeste poked her head into the room and saw Sara leaning on the windowsill, lit cigarette in hand. "I brought Brandy's treats for us. I could use a snack, could you?" She plunked the basket onto the top of the dresser, removed one of the jars of moonshine and handed it to Sara, while she picked up the second jar and the plate of fried chicken. Celeste leaned over and gave the chicken another sniff. "Smells so good! We shouldn't waste it, on Brandy. Besides," she smiled at Sara, "she wants me to serve it to my guests, so really, you should be the one to tell me if it's tasty or not!" Celeste held the plate out to Sara, before setting it down and popping open her jar of moonshine. She took a sip. Her entire face puckered at the initial burn of the distilled alcohol, before it smoothed out in her mouth and throat. "Wh...whoa. Yikes. That's got a bit of a recoil, huh?" She looked down at the jar in her hand, before taking another sip. The sip turned into a gulp. "It...it's kinda good, though, isn't it?" She took another sip and started talking about her night. As she continued talking, describing the soft music, and how they danced, she started to notice that the room was beginning to just kind of slide around in her vision. "Is that supposed to do that?" she pointed at what she thought was a painting hung on the wall, but to anyone else looked like she was pointing at nothing in particular. "That's funny," she giggled. The last third of her moonshine sloshed in her jar. She'd ingested far more than she had meant to. "I should...shhhhould go to bed," Celeste slurred, an apologetic smile on her face. She tried to stand up from where she had been leaning against the dresser, but found her muscles slow and unresponsive. She pitched forward, losing her balance entirely, but instead of falling onto the floor, she fell directly into Sara. "Oh my god," she drawled, then hiccupped. "Sssssara I'm sssssso ssssssorry," Celeste continued to slur heavily as she sloppily tried to push herself up, awkwardly pawing on Sara's body as she did so. "Oh my god, oh my god," she repeated, giggling, feeling so foolish, yet unable to stop. Finally, she seemed to be standing upright on her own two feet. "Okay," she began, putting both hands out in a halting gesture, "maybe...maybe we should just change rooms just for tonight. Yes, let's just do that. Unless you wanna sleep here, too. That would be okay with me." Celeste walked over to Sara's bed and fell onto it, idly aware of the smell of the soap on the linens. "That'll be fine, just fine," she assured out loud. Sara's bed felt immaculately comfortable, just then. Celeste sighed contentedly and closed her eyes, her head positively swimming in the moonshine. It felt like the bed was turning in circles, but she didn't care. Sleep was falling onto her, and fast.