[center][h1][url=https://dicecloud.com/character/Jb8KfFPp2pYBhCSPq/Caerziros-Drajhan][color=0072bc][img]http://i.imgur.com/4fc61uu.png[/img] Caerziros Drajhan[/color][/url][/h1][/center][hr] From Drajhan's astute observations and knowledge of social situations, it appeared evident that the man with two toes... er, fingers, was unlikely to assist at this time. [color=0072bc]"Perhaps another time, then?"[/color] the dragonborn offered as he approached the cave's entrance. The sights that greeted him were quite remarkable indeed, the likes of which he had never seen before. Of course, he could not let his ignorance show, and pointed out the bubbling pools of liquid to any who may have not seen them. [color=0072bc]"I would recommend avoiding stepping in those puddles, at least until we can identify the substance,"[/color] he offered helpfully. There was little more to do outside the cave. Drajhan's interests lay deeper within. And so, he stepped into the mouth of the cavern, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary and trusting that tge good folk he traveled with would accompany him. Eventually. Preferably before he triggered some sort of magical explosion or whatever other nonsense was trending in these kinds of caves.