When the last shadow fell, Valmjr lowered his battleaxe, holding it parallel to the ground in both hands, the handle resting along his thighs. He turned to look at the newcomers, steam puffing out of his mouth and nose with every heave of his chest as the effects of the adrenaline in his system started to wane. As the little gnome approached, Valmjr removed his helmet with his left hand, gripping it by one of the two ornamental cattle horns that jutted out of the side. A slight smile crept across the scarred and craggy face of the large warrior. He shook his head in disbelief. "The new friends are good, you see? Birbin brings them to help!" the little gnome exclaimed excitedly. Valmjr just shook his head again and chuckled. "How did you survive out there on your own? Such a little fellow, you must be more skilled at your magics than I gave you credit for." Valmjr said, as the first of the newcomers approached. The one calling himself Theodore, apparently a templar of some kind, approached and introduced himself. Valmjr rested [i]Hela[/i], butt-down, the head leaning against his hip as the man spoke. Valmjr reached out with his right hand, in a show of greeting. "My name is Valmjr, a warrior of Ysgard. I can tell you and your friends are not of this place..." he scanned Theodore's compatriots and shrugged, "however, I will not turn away aid from valiant warriors as yourself. Come, let us not dally out here in the open. I do not know when the monsters will attack again. Follow me into the [i]Hall[/i]," he leaned his head towards the longhouse behind him, "and talk in safety."