[@PrinceAlexus] Junks walked into the school. If you'd look at his yearbook you would've noticed that this was one of the two days he attempted to look,decent. The other was picture day. As he scanned the school he noticed a small pale girl walking slowly with a cane. Honestly she was pretty girl if he'd ever seen one. But first impressions always count. She, To him look's like she was a middle class girl. Out of his range. He didn't want to imagine what he seemed to her. A skinny kid with greasy hair that dresses like he was straight outta The Great Depression. Giant bags under his eyes from is random bouts of insomnia biting him in the ass from his Junkie past. Maybe he'd toy his luck. He thought about helping her- Holy shit! Holy shit! His eyes got big as he noticed the [b]Diamond[/b] ring on her finger. A Fucking Diamond. Just one snatch and he could leave this shifty town forever. This whole state could Jess his ass goodbye. He was stuck in this fantasy when his core morales started beating the shit out of eachother [color=f7976a]"She's frail, small and helpless."[/color] The voice of an old friend of his, from when he was young, was always the override button in his head. [color=fff200]"It's Dog eat Dog out there,Jerry."[/color] He knew what he was to do now. He walked up to her [color=f7976a]"Do you need any help?"[/color] He asked with a smile, Reveling a few missing teeth here and there, Constant reminders of the countless fights he'd been in.