[centre][h2][color=plum] Catherine [/color][/h2][/centre] [color=salmon]Catherine woke to a few beams of light peeking through her roof. she used her stool as a makeshift pillow and her rug bed as a blanket. If anyone saw how she slept they would be worried about her back posture, it was not good to say the least. As she lazily looked around her home various web sculptures mounted on shelves. She slowly started standing up taking the rug off her back and folding it up ready to store it in her lone chest up that back. Her home was more crowded then most this was due to her fairly large size, but she manages not to knock anything over despite having eight legs to worry about. She yawned as she opened her chest and stored her rug in it, she then got her fluffy stool and changed into one of her many white short sleeve V necks. Ready to go outside to grab her rations. She then made sure her hair was in order before twitching as she saw a cockroach walking on her wall, she took a deep breath and then after a brief moment of silence she jammed one of her pointed fingers through it. Her abdomen shivered as the cockroach wiggled it's legs helplessly, a wicked grin now covered her face. The grin was only brief she the quickly flicked the cockroach off of her finger [/color][color=plum]"Aranea..."[/color][color=salmon] she whispered to herself with a slightly bitter tone. Catherine then looked away from the suffering insect and walked out her front door with the usual difficulty.[/color] [color=firebrick][i]God your butt is way to big.[/i][/color][color=salmon] snarled Aranea's wicked voice. Catherine seemed unperturbed and got out of her front door. Today was a new day in this town she called home. It wasn't the prettiest place but after the Week of Hell there was basically no pretty places left. Catherine tried to find beauty in everything or at least a slightly less ugly side of everything. She then headed off to get rations preferring to do so early in the morning when less people were about. Sure she wanted to make friends but by now she'd learned that most of the resident's weren't keen on making friends with a two faced bitch.[/color]