[@Keksalot] Apologies for the delay. I'll be writing an OOC tonight, so I'm sure any further magic-related questions will be answered there. I'll go as in-depth as I can into the magic system then. As for a divination-based mage - I don't have any issues with divination magic at its base. Not sure I like the idea of continent-wide scrying, but a shorter distance would be fine. Perhaps a couple hundred kilometres. Same goes for the bird idea - at its base, it's a cool idea, but it would have to be limited by time and distance. Remember, magic is largely unexplored and hardly as refined as it is in other medieval fantasy settings such as The Forgotten Realms, Tamriel, or Thedas. It could be considered very primitive when compared to those. That being said, I'm always open to ideas. If you're interested in the RP, feel free to shoot me a list of what you'd like to see your character do, magic-wise, and we can figure out a happy balance. That goes for anyone with any character, really. Haha. Since the OOC will be up tonight, I'll tag those that have shown interest, just to give them a notification. Muahaha. [@ELGainsborough][@Thantos][@vietmyke][@Oni_][@Kronshi]